#SummerAtoZ 2022 Blog Event Wrap-Up

Every year on the blog, we do a #SummerAtoZ blog challenge. We challenge ourselves to write one post for every letter of the alphabet. Some of them are bookish but we also cover a bunch of other topics too. It’s always fun for us to look back and see how many letters we managed to hit. Some years we do better than others. For Summer 2022 we hit every single letter A to Z!!! Here are some highlights…

To kick off summer Tanya shared 4 Recommendations for (A)udiobook Appreciation Month and her #20BooksofSummer Reading List. We also shared the 5 Books (E)veryone Was Talking About That We Hadn’t Read Yet and our Mid-Year Reading (I)nbox to make sure we were still managing to tackle our every growing TBRs.

Kim posted some of her favorite Non-Fiction book recommendations in (K)nowledge is Golden (Part 1). Watch for a Part 2 with even more amazing Non-Fiction recs later this year. We had some fun with (L)ast Now Next talking about books, tv/movies, and summer fun. And of course, one of our favorites posts to write every summer is The (M)id-Year Book Freak-Out where we recap our favorite books of the year so far.
Even MORE Bookishness

For even more book talk, Kim posted 3 (N)ew Books We Recommend and a Genre Jump Off (R)eading List to help you branch out and try some new to you genres. Tanya highlighted 4 Favorite Book Told From Multiple POVs and reminisced about the book she read 10 years ago(!) in (Q)uintessential Summer Book Tag.

And because Speculative Fiction is one of our favorite genres, we posted 3 YA (S)peculative Fiction Books to Read this Fall. We also shared 3 Dual (T)imeline Novels to Get Lost In that would be perfect to read this fall too! For more book recs we shared 6 of our Favorite (Y)A Stand Alone Fantasy Novels and 4 Books to (Z)ap Your Reading Slump. And we couldn’t help but share the Books That Got the A(X)e So Far This Year. There were some disappointments and surprises on this list for sure!
Life & Home

To start out summer Tanya shared a fun (C)urrently list as well as 10 Things She Uses (D)aily. For more summer fun Tanya posted her June (F)avorites and also an amazing Summer Fun (G)uide for Adults.

Realizing we had several new blog followers this year we decided we needed to say hi! We posted (H)ello, Allow Us to Re-Introduce Ourselves and had a lot of fun giving our readers a little peek of the girls who make up Girlxoxo.com! And because goals are a big part of our lives and something we share regularly on the blog, Tanya also posted an Update on her Yearly Goals. You all know we love a good planning post so Tanya shared her method for a Functional Digital (W)eekly Plan with helpful prompts to get you started.
Phew! What a great summer. It’s hard to believe it’s over but now begins the fun of planning our fall reading. We have so much to share with you before the year is over!
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