#SummerAtoZ Blog Event Wrapup [The 2017 Edition]

A theme is the perfect way to get your blogging mojo on and so for the 2nd year, Kim and I did a #SummerAtoZ blog challenge. Last year we crushed it – and this year was no different. We got creative with our “lettering” and had tons of fun coming up with topics on books, blogging,  and organization tips and tools.


Kim has a new baby boy and has been busy taking the cutest photos (yes, I stalk her on Instagram), but she also shared with us how she’s organizing all the pics with Why I Love Using (G)oogle Photos. Kim also shared My 5 Year (Q) & A Journal Experience – which was interesting reading how things had changed over that period of time.

Fave (and Not-so-Loved) Books of Summers Past and Present

These are our past favorites – 10 Awesome (S)ummertime Reads To Add To Your Reading List and our faves from this year – Our Fa(V)e #SummerReads2017. Of course, there are sometimes when we just come across duds, and these are Books That Got The A(X)e This Year…So Far. Plus we also shared our half-year reading wrap-up in (M)id-Year Book Freak Out Tag [The 2017 Girlxoxo Edition].

Mid-Year Book Freakout

More Bookishness

We introduced a new series on GXO a few months ago called “Reading from the Bestsellers List” and we added to it with Reading From the Best Sellers (L)ist [The Woman in Cabin 10] and (R)eading From the Best Sellers List [The Handmaid’s Tale]. Have you read either of these books yet? What did you think?!

Y’all should know by now that we’re audiobook lovers, and here’s 3 Of Our Favorite (A)udiobook Narrators. We also read lots of different types of books (maybe we fear commitment to one genre?), so here’s  4 Books With (U)nbelievable Plot Twists #SummerAtoZ and 3 Newish (D)ystopian Books For Your Summer Reading List plus Books Where Weather & The (E)lements Play A Big Role.

On Our “To Be Read” Reading List

We’re constantly adding books to our TBR pile – but we got smart and started removing books we’re no longer feeling too. This helps keep it under control. Here’s My Reading (I)nbox [A Mid-Year Reading List Update] and a few more additions from 4 New Books This Year from Our (F)ave Authors [Additions to Our Reading List].

Strangely enough, this is the first year that I’ve taken notice of novellas – Do You Count (N)ovellas in Your Total Number of Books Read? I totally do.

novella love


Both of us use a feed reader to keep up with your blog updates, but this needs to be culled from time to time. This is what happened with Kim’s   Editing a (B)log Reader. We’ve also amassed lots of blogging tips and resources over the years, so here’s a look at 3 Digital Blog Editorial (C)alendar Ideas and 10 Useful (H)TML Symbols For Your Blog plus 5 WordPress (P)lugins That Will Rock Your Blog.

Wordpress Plugins


These are My Bullet (J)ournal Essentials – which I try to keep rather minimal. My digital screens have to be clutter free (of a gazillion folders and documents). Here are our 8 Tips for (K)eeping An Organized Computer Deskptop Screen. I also shared my (O)ffice Vibes {What’s in My Home Office}.

A new series that we introduced recently is Tech 3 – where we share 3 techy tips that we’ve found useful. During #SummerAtoZ we did a (T)ech 3 [The Privacy Edition] version.

Another blog series that we’ve been doing for a while is a round-up of awesome links we came across during the week. So of course, we kept it going with 14 Things This (W)eek – and many other weeks too.

We closed things out by looking forward with – The End-of-(Y)ear and New (Y)ear Resolution Prep List and The End (Z)one {An End of 2017 Reading List}.

New Years Goals Prep

If you check, you’ll see we managed to (creatively) include every letter – or just scroll through our #SummerAtoZ tag to see the posts in alphabetical order. How do you handle summers on your blog – do you post more / less or the same amount? Are you #teamsummer (I am) or what’s your favorite season?