Tag: Ice Hunt

  • Books Where Weather & The (E)lements Play A Big Role



    So I just found out that books that fit this description are referred to as Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction). They’re also sometimes called Eco-Fiction. Yes, this is a thing! And here I thought I was being clever and unique coming up with this theme for the Monthly Motif Challenge. Anyway, I’m going to share a few…

  • #ReadThis 3 Chillingly Snowbound Thrillers

    #ReadThis 3 Chillingly Snowbound Thrillers

    The theme for the 2016 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge in January is #Whodunnit. A snowy setting can really add to the mystery of a book and also adds an extra bit of frosty drama that we love. Here are some of our favorite snowbound thrillers…