Tag: James Rollins

  • Books Where Weather & The (E)lements Play A Big Role



    So I just found out that books that fit this description are referred to as Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction). They’re also sometimes called Eco-Fiction. Yes, this is a thing! And here I thought I was being clever and unique coming up with this theme for the Monthly Motif Challenge. Anyway, I’m going to share a few…

  • Books With Unique Travel Destinations

    Books With Unique Travel Destinations

    I’m kind of a sucker for unique and interesting locations in books. In each of the books below, the characters find themselves in very strange places and have to figure out how to navigate their way out- without dying, of course…

  • #ReadThis 3 Chillingly Snowbound Thrillers

    #ReadThis 3 Chillingly Snowbound Thrillers

    The theme for the 2016 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge in January is #Whodunnit. A snowy setting can really add to the mystery of a book and also adds an extra bit of frosty drama that we love. Here are some of our favorite snowbound thrillers…