Tag: Kendare Blake

  • Books with BLOOD on the Cover or in the Title #WickedGoodReads Bingo

    Books with BLOOD on the Cover or in the Title #WickedGoodReads Bingo



    This year we’ve put out a fun Bingo card to complete along with our annual #WickedGoodReads blogging event. Tanya and I have been working our way to completing one of the vertical columns for a bingo and you can too this month! Here are some recs for the “BLOOD” prompt… Anna Dressed in Blood, Kendare…

  • 3 Favorite Women Horror Authors

    3 Favorite Women Horror Authors



    March is Women in History month. It’s also the month that Ladies of Horror Fiction celebrate Women in Horror. Before I started reading horror I had the same prejudices about it that I think a lot of people have- that it’s violent, morbid, and would give me nightmares for days. It can be that, of…