Tag: Readathon

  • Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon Recap

    Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon Recap

    On Saturday I participated in Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon. I’ve been participating in this readathon as much as I can for years and I really have fun with it. In recent years it’s been harder to spend an hour reading uninterrupted, much less 24 hours, but I’m pretty proud of how I did this time around…

  • The Perks of Participating in a Readathon

    The Perks of Participating in a Readathon



    This past weekend I participated in Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon. I hadn’t intended to but I got drawn in when I saw everyone posting about it. Turns out there were a lot of perks to joining in!

  • 4 Quick Reads Perfect for Readathons

    4 Quick Reads Perfect for Readathons

    Right now I unofficially participate in readathons whenever I can. Usually this means in audiobook format so I can keep listening for most of the day. If you love readathons you might want to try one of these fantastic books that are short enough to finish within the readathon time limit…