Tag: SummerAtoZ
My Bullet (J)ournal Essentials
I use my bullet journal for work, and as such, I’ve tried to keep my system very simple. I also travel for work, so my supplies can’t take up too much space. Here’s what I’m using now.
My Reading (I)nbox [A Mid-Year Reading List Update]
We’re keeping track of the books that we’ve mentioned here on GXO, that we’d like to read this year, and trying to give them first priority. But we’re also mood readers – so we have a few outstanding – and we’re posting about it so we can get our butts in gear. Or strike them…
10 Useful (H)TML Symbols For Your Blog
There are lots of ways to add interest to your blog post instead of just having blocks of text. One way is to insert bits of HTML code which will magically turn into symbols on your blog – like checkmarks ✓ – hearts ❤ and stars ✩.
Why I Love Using (G)oogle Photos
Once upon a time I worked at a photo center developing film. It’s been ages since I even used traditional film, so I’ve slowly been figuring out the best way to save and use the digital photos that I take. I recently switched to using Google Photos and I love it…
Books Where Weather & The (E)lements Play A Big Role
So I just found out that books that fit this description are referred to as Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction). They’re also sometimes called Eco-Fiction. Yes, this is a thing! And here I thought I was being clever and unique coming up with this theme for the Monthly Motif Challenge. Anyway, I’m going to share a few…
3 Newish (D)ystopian Books For Your Summer Reading List
The buzz surrounding dystopian books seems to have died down at this point, but I still have fun reading them and I’ve found some really good ones lately. The Boy on the Bridge, MR Carey Once upon a time, in a land blighted by terror, there was a very clever boy. The people thought the…
3 Of Our Favorite (A)udiobook Narrators
We’ve written about our love of audiobooks many times and since it’s #AudiobookMonth, we wanted to highlight 3 of our favorite audiobook narrators.
#SummerAtoZ Blog Event
#SummerAtoZ Blogging Event is back at Girlxoxo again this year. It’s inspired by the Blogging A to Z challenge – but we’re doing it throughout the summer. We’ll be writing posts that start with – or where the theme starts with – each letter of the alphabet from A to Z. A sneak peak at…
4 (R)ealistic Fiction Books That’ll Make You Question Your Life Purpose
I’ll be honest, I don’t read a lot of realistic fiction. In fact, I prefer my fiction to be on the unrealistic side. But I make a few exceptions every now and again. These are a few of my favorite realistic fiction books that made me really think about my life. Sometimes it’s hard, sometimes…