Tag: SummerAtoZ
(D)rowning in Mysteries and Thrillers Set on the Water #SummerAtoZ
A reoccurring water theme has cropped up in my mystery reading lately. Maybe I’m drawn to these stories, I don’t know, but I wanted to highlight four of my most recent mystery reads involving water…
(C)ooking the Books: Taste of Home Magazine [The 30 Minute Meals Edition] #SummerAtoZ
Do you still buy magazines? I don’t buy them much anymore … except for cooking magazines. I love that the recipes in them are for entire meals – unlike cookbooks that tend to just feature one dish. One magazine purchase that’s now dog-eared from use is Taste of Home Magazine – The 30-Minute Meals Edition.…
5 Young Adult (B)ooks Your Adult (B)ook Club Will Love #SummerAtoZ
Does your book club overlook young adult books? We hope not – and if they do, we’ve got you covered the next time it’s your turn to make a suggestion. Below are some of our faves – young adult books that we would recommend to book clubs.
(A)udiobooks Currently on Hold at the Library #SummerAtoZ
What books do you have in your library cue? June is Audiobook Month and #iloveaudiobooks …. there’s always one going. The library is one of my sources of audiobooks, and here’s what’s on hold in my queue.
Read Eat Watch [The June Edition] and #SummerAtoZ
I don’t know if summer is approaching where you are – but God it’s such a glorious time of year here. We’re coming off the gloom and dark days of winter – and summer vibes are in FULL effect at casa Girlxoxo. Here are our recommendations for what you should read, eat (or drink) and…
#SummerAtoZ Blog Event Wrapup [The 2017 Edition]
A theme is the perfect way to get your blogging mojo on and so for the 2nd year, Kim and I did a #SummerAtoZ blog challenge. Last year we crushed it – and this year was no different. We got creative with our “lettering” and had tons of fun coming up with topics on books,…
The End (Z)one {An End of 2017 Reading List}
This has been an incredibly slow reading year for me but I really want to try and finish strong and then pick up the pace in 2018…
The End-of-(Y)ear and New (Y)ear Resolution Prep List
There are 4 more months to go in the rest of the year, so here’s the plan … forget about this year and what has … or rather … has not happened already. Forget about the New Years Resolutions that didn’t get achieved already and let’s have an early start to next year’s list. Let’s…
Books That Got The A(X)e This Year…So Far
There are a few books this year that I picked up thinking I would really like. Turns out I wasn’t all that into them after all. Here’s why…