Tag: Uprooted
10 Awesome (S)ummertime Reads To Add To Your Reading List
Since we both use Goodreads to track the books we’ve read, we can use it to look back at our faves. We want to shout out to these awesome books we read in summers past – and encourage you to read them, if you haven’t already.
3 Minor Characters That Deserve More Page Love
Do you ever like a minor character just as much (or more) than the main character? This happens to me all the time! Here are a few minor characters who I think should have their own books…
3 Favorite Award Winning Novels From Last Year
Do you follow any book awards? Do you put books that have won on your reading list? Here are 3 of my fave books that won book awards last year.
8 Phenomenal Book Covers From Books Read This Year #AMonthofFaves2016
We agree that you can’t really judge a book by it’s cover, but you can’t deny that a really good cover will make you pick up the book in the first place. Here are some of our favorites…
3 Fave Books with Fearsome Dragons #WickedGoodReads
Today we’re wrapping up our week of Dangerous Creatures as part of our #WickedGoodReads month. Our final topic? Dragons!! Obviously the first dragons that came to mind were from Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. But there are so many more than just the popular ones you think of. Here’s…