Here’s 3 useful tech tips that we used recently.
✏ Do you have any subscriptions set up with Google Assistant or set up Routines? I just started using these features, and have it set to tell me the weather daily at 6AM and customized the “Let’s Go to Work” and “I’m Home” routines to include turning bluetooth on and off.
✏ I spent some time setting up more passwords in eWallet this week (check out App Love eWallet). I was reminded after being stopped by the popo this week I didn’t have my insurance card in the car – but with a quick check of eWallet for login details, I was able to log into my insurer’s website and pull it up.
✏ Do you know the difference between Desktop Porgrams and Windows Store Apps? It’s confusing to me as a Windows user – but my understanding from the article is that apps are more secure, but are made primarily for touch devices so it may look a little differently – and programs are the more traditional version that longtime windows users are used to … so there’s no big difference. I tend to download programs – which do you use?