The 2017 End of Year Personal Review Checklist [Free Printable and Download]

This year, I’m focusing on goal setting and establishing routines to achieve success in my personal life. A big part of this is looking back on the year that was and documenting what worked … and what didn’t (as hard as that may be). This End of Year Personal Review Checklist is as a simple, but effective guide through this process – a quick and visual way to check up on the past year – AND a useful blueprint to plan for the different areas in your life in the upcoming year.

The 2017 End of Year Personal Review Checklist

Download – End of Year Personal Review Checklist (Black and White)

Girlxoxo 2017 End of Year Review Checklist

The categories to examine:

  1. Health & Wellness
  2. Personal Care
  3. Personal Development
  4. Travel & Adventure
  5. Family Relationships
  6. Social Relationships
  7. Finances
  8. Home Improvement
  9. Professional Development
  10. Professional Contacts
  11. Spirituality
  12. Creativity
  13. Volunteer

How to Use the 2017 Personal Review Checklist

Download – The End of Year Personal Review Checklist (Color)

Girlxoxo 2017 End of Year Review Checklist

Give yourself a letter grade for each category – A, B, C or F. When thinking about what grade to assign to each of the categories – consider the following – and ask yourself … what did I do – how did I get it done – could I have done more – or less – or done it better.

  1. Health & Wellness – did you take care of your health in 2017 (even if you have health issues – taking care of it / doing what is necessary is what’s important); Did you exercise regularly?
  2. Personal Care – did you take time in your appearance – hair, clothes, skin? treated yourself / pampered yourself regularly?
  3. Personal Development – did you invest in your personal growth? got rid of bad habits? cultivated good habits? read non-fiction – about the World, nature, life?
  4. Travel & Adventure – did you have fun? took trips – local or abroad? went to new places? tried new foods?
  5. Family Relationships – did you spend enough quality time with your spouse and kids? did you nurture relationships with your parents and siblings?
  6. Social Relationships – did you nurture the relationships with your friends? make new ones?
  7. Finances – did you save? did you eliminate unnecessary expenses?
  8. Home Improvement – did you improve upon your living space? made it more comfortable? cluttered? cleaned it regularly?
  9. Professional Development – did you take any courses / increase knowledge in your field?
  10. Professional Contacts – did you connect with people at work? in your industry? increased your professional network?
  11. Spirituality – did you nourish your relationship with God (or any other deity you believe in)?
  12. Creativity – did you try any new hobbies? improved in existing ones? increased knowledge?
  13. Volunteer – did you give back either of your time or money to someone / organization? could you have done more?

What to Do With the Checklist When It’s Complete

DOWNLOAD: End of Year Personal Review Checklist (Color) | Year in Review (Black & White)

The simple answer is Save it! Put it in a notebook or your planner. These are the areas in your life that you should set goals for in 2018 and do a monthly or quarterly check-in.

So what did your year look like after you used this checklist?