The 2022 Master List of Reading Challenges

The Master List of Reading Challenges is a compilation of YEAR-LONG challenges designed to level up your reading year. We will be constantly updating this list through January 2022! There’s also quite a lot of reading challenges on The StoryGraph – so I won’t be listing those here. Check back every Sunday for updates – with newly added challenges at the top of the post.

2022 reading challenges master list

The Master List of 2022 Reading Challenges

NEWLY ADDED CHALLENGES – Updated 01/29/2022


Books and Fairy Lights




  • Back to the Classics. A year-long challenge in which participants are encouraged to finally read the classics they’ve always meant to read — or just recently discovered – in the categories provided.
  • Backlist Reader Challenge. Read books that have been published before 2021 AND are already on your TBR list or pile.
  • Beachcomber Mystery Reading Challenge. Your goal is to become a Beachcomber by filling the set of four beach bags (25 items per bag, 100 items total) as you read mysteries.
  • Beat the Backlist Challenge. The Beat the Backlist reading challenge is designed to help you tackle all the books you keep meaning to read and still haven’t.
  • Beyond the Bookends 2021 Reading Challenge. This challenge features 12 categories – 1 for each month – that will inspire your reading journey for the road ahead.
  • Bob on Books Reading Challenge. Stretch your reading and get out of your usual reading with this reading challenge as you complete books for each of the 12 “unusual” prompts.
  • Booklist Queen’s Reading Challenge. Read a book a week with these 52 different categories to expand your reading selection.
  • Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge. Read Harder has 24 fun and serious tasks designed to help you break out of your reading bubble and expand your worldview through books.
  • Books in Translation. Read a book that’s been translated from any language into the language of your choosing. The challenge is not limited to translations to or from English.
  • Book to Movie (and TV) Challenge. Read books being made into movies or tv series. Choose from the list on the site or add you’re own if it’s not there yet.
  • Book Voyage: Read Around the World. Get ready to read for a certain region of the World each month from the provided book list.
  • Bookish Resolutions Challenge. Create between 5 or more resolutions related to books/book blogging/writing and check 3x this year for accountability.
  • Build Your Library Reading Challenge. The 2022 theme is “We’re Going On an Adventure!”There are prompts that offer you a chance to escape into all kinds of adventures, from fantasy to historical fiction, to non-fiction, and more! Let’s go on a literary adventure in 2022!


  • Calendar of Crime. Read 12 mystery books, each from of the categories in the month on the Calendar of Crime. Link up at the blog, or on social media using #CalendarOfCrime2021.
  • Children’s Books Reading Challenge…for Adults. Anything you think could be found in the children’s section of a library or bookstore is applicable, as well as timeless classics that the whole family would enjoy.
  • Chunkster Reading Challenge. The books read must be 450 pages or more to be considered chunkster books.
  • Classics Reading Challenge. The idea is to explore the classics by reading one classic book each month chosen for the challenge prompt.
  • The Clock Reading Challenge. The goal is to read 12 books, each with a number from 1 to 12 in the title in order to make a clock face.
  • COYER Reading Challenges. Clean Out Your E-Reader! There are seasonal challenges and a community with 3 semester long challenges. It’s not all about reading free eBooks anymore either!
  • Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge. Read any book that is from the mystery, suspense, thriller, or crime genre.
  • Color Coded. Choose books where the color may either be named in the title or it may appear as the dominant color for the cover.
  • Craving For Cozies. Read cozy mystery books.
  • Creativity Reading Challenge. This challenge is about reading books on creativity, art, crafts, writing, film making, photography and any other topic that helps you live a more creative life.
  • Cruisin’ Thru The Cozies. Read only cozy mysteries of your choice or read through the different sub-genres of cozy mysteries.



  • Elif the Reader 2022 Reading Challenge: The Year of Discoveries. Read books for the 20 reading prompts.
  • Epistolary Reading Challenge. The challenge is to read books written in the form of letters, diaries, blogs, e-mails and such, either completely or partially written this way.
  • European Reading Challenge. Ten year anniversary! Tour Europe through books. The idea is to read books by European authors or books set in European countries (no matter where the author comes from). Choose your own level of commitment to complete the challenge. There is a Jet Setter Prize for the person who visits the most countries between the covers.


  • Fairytale Reading Challenge. Each month has a fairytale assigned to it, and you can choose any retelling of that fairytale to read for that month, or read the original fairytale. If you are feeling ambitious, you can read both.
  • Finishing the Series. This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet completed.
  • Foggy Pine Reading Challenge. Read a book for each of the 12 main challenges.
  • Foodies Read. Read books that feature food! It can be cozy mysteries set in a bakery, romances between rival candy makers, science fiction set in a cafeteria in outerspace, nonfiction about chefs, cookbooks, or any book where food is a major part of the story.
  • Four Moon Reading Challenge. Read a book for any or all of the 40 reading prompts.







  • Out of Your Comfort Zone Challenge. The aim of this challenge is to read books that you consider to be outside of your comfort zone. Use the cute badges and buttons to proudly display your reading stats – favorites, genre fan, series champ, etc.


  • Pick Your Poison. Check out the printable – 26 topics with 4 categories in each – so “Pick Your Poison”! It could be anywhere from a Baker’s Dozen – 1 category from any of the 13 topics … all the way up to a Freaky Reader – complete all the topics.
  • Poetry Reading Challenge. There are 3 ways to tackle this challenge – all of which involve reading … poetry!
  • Pondathon II. A year-long gardening-themed readathon hosted by The Quiet Pond! Help us restore the forest by reading to earn plants and decorate your own garden.
  • Popsugar Reading Challenge. Read books that meet the 40 random fun and interesting prompts. For an extra challenge read books that meet the 10 advanced prompts.
  • Professional Book Nerds Reading Challenge. There are 11 prompts to choose from thanks to this group of staff librarians who work at OverDrive.
  • The Purrfect Reading Challenge. Read mysteries that have cats as main characters.
Book Awards


  • A RAD Reading Challenge. Choose to read from any or all of the nine categories in the printable.
  • Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks. The goal is to read 52 books this year. How you get there is up to you, but there are also 4 challenges along the way – a 52 Books Bingo, A to Z and Z to A Word of the Week to stir your creativity, Books about Books Bookology for the author of the month reading and spelling challenge and Crime Spree which will take us around the world, following in the footsteps of detectives of all ages. 
  • Read Around the World: 2022 Travel Reading Challenge. 12 prompts for 12 months that will allow you to read your way across seven continents and multiple genres.
  • #ReadQueerToo2022. Read books that feature and focus on LGTBQ+ characters and stories. There’s also a book bingo and a reading template too.
  • Reading by the Numbers. Log all your books. No pre-set challenge levels. You decide your goal for the year and then just keep track of the books you read.
  • Reading With Muffy. Read a book for each of the monthly prompts.
  • Romance Books Reading Challenge. Read a book for the category of the month.



  • Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge. The goal is to read at least ONE book from your TBR every month. It can be an ARC, ebook, audiobook or print – your choice. Any reading is good reading!
  • TBR Challenge 2022. Pull out long neglected books from your “to be read” list, following the theme of the month – and read. Share with #TBRChallenge
  • TBR 22 in ’22. The goal is to read 22 books from your TBR shelves in 2022.
  • The TBR Pile Challenge. To finally read 12 books from your “to be read” pile (within 12 months).
  • This or That. This reading challenge has 2 challenges a month equaling to 24 challenges AND you only have to choose one or the other – although you can also do both.
  • Turtle Recall – A Journey Through Discworld. Read books set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.




Let us know if there are challenges we may have missed.