The 2023 Master List of Reading Challenges

The Master List of Reading Challenges is a compilation of YEAR-LONG challenges designed to level up your reading year. … we’re back with a list that will be constantly updating through January 2023! There’s also quite a lot of reading challenges on The StoryGraph and Ready for a Reading Challenge. For the first year, we’re featuring a few from Instagram. Check back every Sunday for updates – with newly added challenges at the top of the post.

The Master List of 2023 Reading Challenges
- The Barnes & Noble 2023 Book Challenge (Instagram). 52 reading prompts for each week of the year. How many can you do? And if that’s too much – then try the B&N 12 Months 12 Books Challenge.
- Book to Movie (and TV). Read books being made into movies for release in 2023 (with additional levels for adaptations in other years).
- Bookish Books Reading Challenge. Read book where one of its main themes is books (reading them, writing them, hoarding them, stealing them, eating them, burning them, decorating with them, organizing them, sniffing them, selling them, etc.).
- Cozy Mystery Reading Challenges. Cozy mysteries only! Read a book for as many of the 20 prompts as you can.
- Decolonize Your Bookshelf. Read at least one book from any of the 28 categories on the graphic in an effort to diversify your reading.
- European Reading Challenge. Ten year anniversary! Tour Europe through books. The idea is to read books by European authors or books set in European countries (no matter where the author comes from). Choose your own level of commitment to complete the challenge. There is a Jet Setter Prize for the person who visits the most countries between the covers.
- Fairytale Reading Challenge. Read a retelling or the original fairytale. according to the theme of the month. For an added challenge – watching a movie or tv show based on each fairytale.
- The Feminist Reading Challenge (Instagram). There are 23 reading prompts – read books for as many as you can.
- Four Moon Reading Challenge. Read a book for any or all of the 30 reading prompts.
- Gilmore Girls Reading Challenge. Monthly themes for this year, along with some personalized recommendations for each month, but you can also feel free to personalize your reading challenge for the Rory Gilmore book list with your own picks.
- Indie Book Challenge. A bingo style challenge to read more books by Indie authors.
- Libro.FM Audiobook Challenge. Here are 24 challenges (that’s two per month) to help you read more and diversify your audiobook-listening this year
- Massachusetts Center for the Book Reading Challenge. Choose a book that fits the monthly challenge.
- #MrDReads2023 (Instagram). A reading challenge with 12 monthly prompts.
- Picture Prompt Bingo. Match books that you’ve read to one of the pictures on the bingo card
- Poetry Reading Challenge. Read at least one book of poetry.
- Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge. The goal is to read at least ONE book from your TBR every month. It can be an ARC, ebook, audiobook or print – your choice. Any reading is good reading!
- The Nerd Daily’s Reading Challenge. Consisting of 52 challenges, you could potentially read a book a week from the printable prompts, or read any time throughout the year.
- The 2023 SFF Challenge. Read an SFF Book which has one of the words from the board in the title.
- OxFam Reading Challenge (Instagram). Read from a new genre every month.
- Read Your Shelf. Read the books on your “holds” shelf – a subset of books you already own.
- TBR Knockout (Youtube). The point of this is to knockout books from your already owned TBR. Each month has a different theme with 2 challenges for each month.

- 2023 Reading Challenge. There are different levels, and different categories in each level – 5 levels for a total of 60 books if all levels are completed
- The 52 Book Club Reading Challenge. The goal is to read 52 books from the 52 different categories provided – find a book that meets the criteria and check it off!
- Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge. Fill your bowls with one book for each letter of the Alphabet
- Alphabet Soup – Author Edition Reading Challenge. The challenge is to read one book that has an author whose first name or last name starts with every letter of the alphabet.
- Around the World Reading Challenge. Read a book a week that takes place in a different country around the world. Read along with the host or create your own reading journey and rules.
- The Audiobook Challenge. The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to more audios this year.
- Backlist Reader Challenge. Read books that have been published before 2021 AND are already on your TBR list or pile.
- Beachcomber Mystery Reading Challenge. Your goal is to become a Beachcomber by filling the set of four beach bags (25 items per bag, 100 items total) as you read mysteries.
- Beyond the Bookends Reading Challenge. This challenge features 12 categories – 1 for each month – that will inspire your reading journey for the road ahead.
- Book Bingo 2023 @ Unruly Reader. This year’s theme is “School”. Read a book that fits the category. Complete just one row or column, or go for blackout by reading a book in every category.
- Book Bingo 2023 @ Modern Gypsy. Choose your bingo journey, track your progress and sign-up for the newsletter if you’d like to see recommendations and more.
- Book Bingo 2023 @ Leticia. Read a book for a Bingo – Normal or Hard mode.
- Book Riot’s 2023 Read Harder Challenge. Read Harder has 24 fun and serious tasks designed to help you break out of your reading bubble and expand your worldview through books.
- Books in Translation. Read a book that’s been translated from any language into the language of your choosing. The challenge is not limited to translations to or from English.
- Book Voyage: Read Around the World. Get ready to read for a certain region of the World each month from the provided book list.
- Booklist Queen’s Reading Challenge. Read a book a week with these 52 different categories to expand your reading selection.
- Build Your Library Reading Challenge. The 2023 theme is “Adventures in Science and Nature!” There are prompts that offer you the chance to thoroughly explore the theme in fun and unique ways.
- Calendar of Crime. Read 12 mystery books, each from of the categories in the month on the Calendar of Crime. Link up at the blog, or on social media using #CalendarOfCrime2021.
- Children’s Book Reading Challenge…for Adults. Anything that can be found in the children’s section of a library or bookstore is applicable, as well as timeless classics that the whole family would enjoy.
- Classics Reading Challenge. The idea is to explore the classics by reading one classic book each month chosen for the challenge prompt.
- COYER Reading Challenges. Clean Out Your E-Reader … and more! There are 3 semester long challenges with different rules per semester. A completely fun way to get through your books.
- Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge. Read any book that is from the mystery, suspense, thriller, or crime genre.
- Color Coded. Choose books where the color may either be named in the title or it may appear as the dominant color for the cover.
- Craving For Cozies. Read cozy mystery books.
- Creativity Reading Challenge. This challenge is about reading books on creativity, art, crafts, writing, film making, photography and any other topic that helps you live a more creative life.
- Cruisin’ Thru The Cozies. Read only cozy mysteries of your choice or read through the different sub-genres of cozy mysteries.
- Decades Reading Challenge. Challenge yourself to reading books set in each decade from the 1800s through today!
- Diversify Your Reading Challenge. This challenge features 12 genre prompts – 1 for each month. To complete the challenge, read at least one book in the genre assigned to that month.
- Diversity Reading Challenge. Read as many diverse books / books by diverse authors, as you can for this year.
- Diversity Reading Challenge. Read as many diverse books as you can, and also complete a read for the monthly theme.
- Epistolary Reading Challenge. The challenge is to read books written in the form of letters, diaries, blogs, e-mails and such, either completely or partially written this way.
- Finishing the Series. This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet completed.
- Gaia/ Nature Reading Challenge. Read at least 1 nature themed book to participate.

- Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. Read historical fiction books from sub-genres like Historical Romance, Historical Mystery, Historical Fantasy, Young Adult, History/Non-Fiction using the BINGO provided.
- Humor Reading Challenge. Read books that you consider funny or humorous.
- Indie Reading Challenge (Instagram). Read indie books, get badges, have fun sharing your thoughts with others.
- Let Us Read Middle Grade. Read as many middle grade books in 2022 as you can, and if able, review them.
- Library Love Reading Challenge. The goal is to read at least 12 books from the library.
- Lifetime of Reading Challenge. Throughout the year-long challenge, we’ll be enjoying a wide range of books featuring main characters of different age ranges.
- Literary Escapes. Read 1 book set in each of the 50 states + the District of Columbia.
- Literally Bookish (Instagram and Facebook). Read books for each of the 25 prompts on the associated sheet.
- Medical Examiner’s Mystery Reading Challenge. Your goal as Medical Examiner is to issue as many Toe Tags as you can during 2022, by reading murder mysteries and documenting the cause of death of the unfortunate victim(s).
- Memoir Reading Challenge. Read a minimum of five memoirs from any of the categories listed. One book can only count for one category.
- Mental Health Reading Challenge. Read any book related to mental health – fiction or non-fiction.
- Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge. Your task is to read at least one book each month whose title includes one or more of the keywords for that month. This challenge is hosted here at Girlxoxo!
- Monthly Motif Reading Challenge. Read a book that corresponds to one of the themes or motif provided each month. This challenge is hosted here at Girlxoxo!
- Mount TBR. Knock out some of those books you OWN that have been waiting in the wings for weeks … months … even years.
- The Nerdy Bookworm 50 Books a Year Reading Challenge. Read 50 books by picking one for each of the prompts, or complete the BINGO!
- Netgalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge. Are you feeling overwhelmed by the number of NetGalley/Edelweiss books sitting on your shelf to be read? Have you lost your 80% rating and would love to get it back? Then challenge yourself to read more NetGalley and/or Edelweiss books.
- Nonfiction Reader Challenge. Select, read and review a book from any of the 12 categories during the year.
- NoveList Reading Challenge. Stretch out of your comfort zones by reading books in the 12 categories.
- Pick Your Poison. Check out the printable – 26 topics with 4 categories in each – so “Pick Your Poison”! It could be anywhere from a Baker’s Dozen – 1 category from any of the 13 topics … all the way up to a Freaky Reader – complete all the topics.
- Popsugar Reading Challenge. Read books that meet these random fun and interesting prompts. For an extra challenge read books that meet the 10 advanced prompts.
- The Purrfect Reading Challenge. Read mysteries that have cats as main characters.

- A RAD Reading Challenge. Choose to read from any or all of the nine categories in the printable.
- Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks. The goal is easy – Read 52 Books – how you get there is up to you. We have a variety of weekly, monthly mini challenges, annual and perpetual challenges to entice your reading taste buds:
- Read Around the USA. The country is divided into 12 regions, and for each monthly prompt there will be a diverse list of book recommendations for you to choose OR choose your own.
- Read Around the World Challenge. Join book lovers like you from all over the world who want to read at least one book written by an author from each country in the World.
- Read Around the World. 12 prompts for 12 months that will allow you to read your way across seven continents and multiple genres.
- Read Around the World: Book Voyage Reading Challenge. Each month, you’ll read one book set in a different region of the world as a way of armchair traveling and learning more about the vast and beautiful differences in both landscape and culture
- Read It Again Sam. This one is all about re-reading … re-visiting old friends in books.
- Read Queerly. Read books that feature and focus on LGBTQ+ characters and stories.
- Read With Allison. There are 52 reading prompts on the printable so challenge yourself to find a book for each, or as many as you can get to this year.
- Read Your Bookshelf. This is a low pressure reading challenge with reading prompts for every month of the year.
- Reading by the Numbers. Log all your books. No pre-set challenge levels. You decide your goal for the year and then just keep track of the books you read.
- Roll to Read. Each month roll a pair of dice, go to the corresponding space on the board and follow the prompt.
- Romance Reading Challenge. Read a romance book for each of the categories.
- Romance Reading Challenge. Read one romance novel each month that fits the given theme for that month.
- Romanceopoly. You will go around the Romanceopoly board throughout the year either square by square or by rolling the dice. Once you land on a spot you can read a book that fits the challenge prompt or the specific genre assigned to that spot. Keep reading until you’ve either finished the board, or if you don’t want to commit to that many books for the year you can choose to complete only 1 of each color neighborhood.
- Series Enders. Let’s knock out those pesky last books in a series.
- Series Reading Catch-Up (Instagram). Read any book that is part of a series and get points depending on which book in the series you read. There will be a giveaway for the highest point total by the end of the year!
- She Reads Romance Books Reading Challenge. The goal with this reading challenge is to read ONE romance book each month, for a total of 12 romance books for the year. The theme for the reading challenge will focus on a different romance book category or trope each month.
- Something Bookish Reading Challenge. There are 24 reading prompts designed to help you break out of your reading comfort zone and travel the world through books.
- Spacetime Reading Challenge. Read fiction books set in space or time.
- Six Shooter Mystery Challenge. Your goal is to shoot (read) six mysteries by the same target (author).
- Southern Literature Reading Challenge. Read books by Southern authors set largely in the South (US).
- Stacking the Series Reading Challenge (Instagram). Read a book that is part of a series, to try and create as tall a stack as possible
- TBR 23 in ’23. The goal is to read 23 books from your TBR shelves in 2023.
- TBR Challenge 2022. Pull out long neglected books from your “to be read” list, following the theme of the month – and read. Share with #TBRChallenge
- The TBR Pile Challenge. To finally read 12 books from your “to be read” pile (within 12 months).
- Thoughtful Reading Challenge. Read a book each month for the challenge prompt.
- Thrifty Thursday. The goal of Thrifty Thursday is to read a book which was free (at some point) and link up to your review(s) each month.
- Turtle Recall – A Journey Through Discworld. Read books set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
- Unabridged Podcast Reading Challenge. Read at least one book for each of the 10 reading prompts.
- The Uncorked Reading Challenge. There are 12 categories, one for each month, with books to inspire travel and diverse, international reads.
- Vintage Scavenger Hunt. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, will be to find as many objects on the scavenger hunt list as possible on the covers of the mystery books you read. As always, you may play along in either the Golden or Silver Mystery Eras (or, for the more adventurous, both).
- Virtual Mount TBR Reading Challenge. This challenge is for all those folks with mile-long “wish-list” of TBRs who would like a chance to climb as well.
- We We Didn’t Start the Fire Reading Challenge (Instagram). 128 prompts based on the lyrics from Billy Joel’s song of the same title.
- What An Animal Reading Challenge. Read books where animals play a major role in the book or if a main character is (or turns into) an animal.
- What’s in a Name Reading Challenge. Read a book for each of the 6 categories listed.
- With Love, Melissa Reading Challenge. Read a book that fits each of the 31 categories on the list.
- World Reading Challenge. Read the books on this year’s list which covers 52 titles to round out our mission of reading the world.
Let us know if there are challenges we may have missed and we’ll continue to update this page through January 2023. Links to past round-ups – 2022 … 2021 … 2020 … 2019 … 2018.
Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard
Great list, as always! Thank you so much for posting it. I always find some new challenges that interest me.
I will be hosting The Backlist Reader Challenge again this year. The Backlist Reader Challenge 2023 is for all those books that have been hanging around on your TBR list for years.
Thank you for taking the time every year to do this list. It is so helpful.
I hope you continue doing it, but if you don’t I appreciate you took the time to do it till now.
Melanie Benson
There is also TBR Knockout for the 3rd year in a row.
Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)
Okay, I finally got my 2023 reading challenge together. It’s a Bookish Books reading challenge focused on reading books with strong book/reading themes. I’d love it if you would post about it. Here are all the details: Thanks, Tanya!
Leslie @ She Reads Romance Books
Thanks for including the She Reads Romance Books Romance Book Reading Challenge! Here is the link for the 2023 Challenge:
Also, for those who like to read middle grade/tween books or kids who want a reading challenge in 2023, check out the 2023 Reading Challenge for Kids with We Read Tween Books:
Thanks for including these!
I always love your list! Going to add in this one (with a new home on the Web): Cozy Mystery Reading Challenge:
Thanks for doing this every year!
Hi! Excellent work compiling this list. I wanted to also let you know about my challenge to read books referenced on the Gilmore Girls on a theme each month. You can find the challenge details on my website and then I also host it on Instagram @TheRoryGilmoreBookClub where people can chat, share their reads, etc. Thanks again for inspiring readers in 2023.
Angela (Angel's Guilty Pleasures)
What a great list. Thank you for doing this and sharing the Library Love Challenge
Erika Morris
I look forward to this Master List every year! Thanks for putting it together.
Courtney Malinowski
Hey! The HPOOTP-Flourish and Blotts facebook group hosts a yearly challenge inspired by elements of the Harry Potter books. This years challenge is Quidditch! The full challenge info can be found here:
There’s also a ton of fun challenge and non challenge related bookish stuff in the Facebook group!
Tanya Patrice
Thanks for sharing @Courtney! I haven’t included Facebook reading challenges in the roundup this year.
Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)
Thanks for this list, Tanya! You do an amazing job. I started a similar database last year because the one I had used for years wasn’t being updated anymore and I hadn’t yet discovered that your blog existed. Oops! You do it better, for sure, but I figure the more places these awesome challenges are posted, the better. Plus, if one of us doesn’t have the energy to keep it up one year, there will be a back-up.
Also, I’m cooking up my own challenge for 2023. When I get it all figured out and post about it, I’ll let you know.
Tanya Patrice
@Susan – yay! Thanks for sharing about Ready for Reading Challenges! Love that resource and I’ll link to it in the post too.
Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)
Thank you!!
Thanks so much for including our challenges on your list every year! Just a couple of updates for 2023 – For the Decades Reading Challenge, it now starts in 1880 instead of 1910. We’ve also added a brand new Read Around the USA challenge. It’s 12 books throughout the year, each from a different region of the US. We provide suggestions for each region. Thanks again! – Melissa & Angela, Book Girls Guide
Thank you for all your work on this and for including COYER each year. We appreciate it and you!
Romnceopoly is back for 2923
Cait Nasworthy
I made a challenge for this year! Roll to Read! It’s like a board game.
Jen at Introverted Reader
I’m hosting the Books in Translation and Southern Lit challenges again this year. Thank you for creating and maintaining this list!
Tanya Patrice
Thanks Jen. I’ll add it this weekend.
Tanya @ Mom's Small Victories
I always love this list and use it as my resource for reading challenges each year so I’m glad it’s back! I’ve started up my Around the World Reading Challenge for 2023 so I hope you can add it! I love that you added some from IG too!
Around the Year in 52 Books is up, and so is Popsugar
I also found Rapid Readers on Storygraph:
Kristen Stenbakken
Popsugar comes out tomorrow.
Bev Baird
Thanks for this master list! I always return to your list throughout the year. Lots of new challenges this year. happy reading in 2023
Thank you thank you thank you!!! I wanted to mention a new challenge I found that seems really interesting. It’s not my challenge, but each book is somehow related to the book you read the previous month.,,
I know, I saw a post where you said you weren’t doing it and I was so sad! I’m so glad you changed your mind, thank you 🙂
Yea!!!! I’m so happy you did this again!!!!
Tanya Patrice
@Vicki – I almost didn’t do it – but I couldn’t resist! Happy reading 🙂