The Master List of 2017 Reading Challenges

Reading challenges are so much fun. If you want to join in, you’ll find below a list of all the 2017 year long reading challenges hosted by #bookbloggers. It will be continually updated through the end of this year to give you a comprehensive resource.
Scroll down to “M” to find the challenge we host here at Girlxoxo!
The Master List of 2017 Reading Challenges
- 52 Weeks, 52 Books. There are 52 different challenges set up for you so that you can expand your reading. #52wks52bks
- All About Austen. Read or watch anything inspired by Jane Austen.
- Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge. Fill your bowls with one book for each letter of the Alphabet (the word that starts with the challenge letter can be anywhere in the title).
- 2017 Award Winning Science Fiction & Fantasy Challenge. Read any award winning novel, novella or short story collection with an award or listed as a nominee finalist from Sci/Fi and/or Fantast awards.
- The Audiobook Challenge. The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to more audios in 2016 than you did in 2016.
- Audiobooks Reading Challenge. This challenge is for you if you listen to even 1 audiobook this year!
- Aussie Author Challenge 2017. The objective of this challenge is to showcase the quality and diversity of the books being produced by Australian authors.
- Australian Women’s Writers Challenge. Read and review books by Australian women throughout the year.
- Back to the Classics 2017. To encourage readers to discover and enjoy classic books they might not have tried, or just never got around to reading. Checkc out the different categories.
- Backlist Books Reading Challenge. Read as much (or as little as you want) – just as long as they are backlist books … anything published a year or more before the day you read it.
- The Backlist Reader Challenge. Give the older books on your reading list some love and attention.
- The Bad Boys of Romance Reading Challenge 2017. Read books that feature a bad boy hero: Rock stars, MC members, street fighters, assassins, mafia, loners, geeks, etc. Only romance series are accepted.
- Banned/Challenged Book Reading Challenge. Read books that have been banned or challenged. Or you could read non-fiction books about censorship and/or banning books.
- Beat the Backlist. This challenge is focused on knocking off titles that have been on your TBR for a while, or even ones that get pushed aside for new releases.
- The Birth Year Reading Challenge. What books were published the year you were born? This challenge encourages you to find out, and then read some of them.
- Blogger Shame Review Challenge. Tackle those past due review books.
- Book Blogger Discussion Challenge. To encourage our fellow book bloggers to not only read more (since there are already lots of challenges for that), but talk more too!
- Books N’ Tunes Challenge . This challenge is just a fun way to match music to books and share what you have with other readers.
- Bookish Resolutions Challenge. The 2017 Bookish Resolutions Challenge is about setting New Year’s Resolutions for books, book blogging and writing.
- Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge. Don’t just read… Read Harder!
- Book to Movie Reading Challenge. Read books being made into movies or tv series during 2017. Choose from the list on the site or add you’re own if it’s not there yet.
- British Books Challenge. The main focus of the challenge is reading and reviewing books by British authors
- Charity Reading Challenge. Read for a good cause! Buy books at a charity shop, or, even a friends of the library book sale, or, donate a certain percentage of money for each book you read for the challenge. You can choose your own goal of how many books to read, what charity you’ll be donating money towards, how much money, etc.
- The Chronological Sherlock Holmes Challenge. This is a 16-month mission to read all 56 short stories and the four novels.
- #CBAM2017 The Classic Book-a-Month Club. Read the classics – one book a month each year, or just pop in and out when you can.
- Christian Reading Challenge. Read through any of the 4 lists of book series. Each series has different categories of books that you will choose from.
- Classic Horror Reading Challenge. A classic horror book has been assigned to each month. Check in on Twitter with #classichorror2017
- Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge. Read any book that is from the mystery/suspense/thriller/crime genre.
- Clocks, Cogs, and Mechanisms Reading Challenge 2017. Read enough steampunk novels to meet your challenge level.
- Color Coded Reading Challenge. Choose books where the color may either be named in the title or it may appear as the dominant color for the cover of the book.
- Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge. The goal is to read as many Contemporary Romance books as you’d like.
- Couples Reading Challenge. You and your partner complete 12 books, one from each theme.
- Craving For Cozies 2017. Read cozy mystery books.
- Creativity Reading Challenge. This challenge is about reading books on creativity, art, crafts, writing, film making, photography … and any other topic that helps you live a more creative life.
- 2017 Cruisin’ thru the Cozies Reading Challenge Sign Up. Read through the different sub-genres of cozy mysteries.
- Deal me In Short Stories Reading Challenge. Read 52 short stories in 2017 … with a twist involving a deck of cards.
- Diverse Reads Book Challenge. Set your own goals to read diverse books, or follow along with the monthly challenges.
- 2017 Dystopia Reading Challenge. Join us in reading dystopian books – and (or) complete the Dystopia Bingo Challenge.
- Debut Author Challenge. Read books by first time authors. Books must be classified as a middle grade, young adult, or new adult title.
- Ebooks Reading Challenge. All books counted must be electronic – so if you read eBooks, then this challenge is for you!
- Epistolary Reading Challenge 2017. The challenge is to read books written in the form of letters, diaries, blogs, e-mails and such, either completely or partially written this way.
- 2017 European Reading Challenge. Tour Europe through books.
- Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge 2017. Challenge yourself to read a certain number of fantasy books.
- Follow the Clues Mystery Challenge. Your goal? To follow a set of clues furnished by the mystery books you read to create a body of evidence to support a book court case. Each book clue should lead you to your next read.
- Foodies Read. Do you read books about food? There are books about food in so many different genres, so link up with us each month that you read and write about a “foodie” book.
- Full House Reading Challenge 2017. Complete the Bingo card of challenges with fiction or non-fiction books.
- 2017 Grand World of Books Bingo. Complete the Bingo – horizontally, vertically, diagonally … or the entire card!
- Graphic Novel and Manga Reading Challenge. write a review and link to it for it to count towards the challenge. Generally, if it has either frames OR speech bubbles it counts.
- Grown Up Reading Challenge. Complete 20 books, one from each theme
- Historical Fiction. Simply read historical fiction books – any sub-genre of historical fiction is accepted.
- Horror Reading Challenge. Read horror books – it’s as simple as that!
- Historical Romance Reading Challenge. Any historical romance novel and novella counts toward this challenge of reading historical romance novels.
- Humor Reading Challenge. Read books that you consider funny or humorous. Books can be fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, graphic novels, poetry collections, plays or picture books.
- The Island Reader’s 2017 Book Challenge. Read books from the categories on the list, e.g. from Oprah’s Book Club, a collection of essays, a book over 500 pages.
- LGBTQIA. Read one book of at least 100 pages that features a main character or significant secondary character that fits one of the LGBTQIA requirements.
- Library Love Challenge. The goal is to read at least twelve (12) books from the library.
- Literary Escapes Challenge. Try to read 1 book set in each of the 50 states + the District of Columbia.
- Literary Loners Reading Challenge 2017. Read books featuring a character identified as a loner, outcast, recluse, wallflower, or introvert AND / OR read works written by writers known to have been loners or recluses.
- Literary Pickers Reading Challenge. How keen of an observer are you? This challenge is just a fun way to see if you can find a list of items as you read no matter what romance style you pick up. Qualifying books must be romance or have strong romance element.
- Memoir Bingo Reading Challenge 2017. Complete as many squares as you choose from the Bingo.
- Mocha Girls Read Book Bingo. Pick a square and read a book that fits the theme of that square. When you complete two lines, whether it’s a straight line or a diagonal line then you have a bingo.
- 2017 Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge. Choose-your-own-adventure reading challenge – choose between different checklists: Reading for Growth and Reading for Fun.
- Monthly Motif Reading Challenge. Read a book that corresponds to a different theme or motif each month. This challenge is hosted here at Girlxoxo!
- 2017 Monthly Keyword Challenge. Your task is to read one book each month whose title includes one or more of the keywords for that month.
- Mount TBR Reading Challenge. Knock out some of those books that have been waiting in the wings for weeks….months…even years.
- 2017 New Release Challenge. Read books released in 2017.
- Netflix and Books Challenge. This is going to be a yearly challenge focused on watching television shows we’ve been wanting to get to (both new and old), and reading books we’ve been wanting to read that match some fun challenge prompts
- Netgalley & Edelweiss Reading Challenge. Tackle your review books, stumble upon new ones, and get your Netgalley percentage to the desired 80%!
- New Adult. Any books read for this challenge must be New Adult, but any genre.
- New Authors. Find new authors that you’ve never tried before.
- New to Me Challenge. This challenge is all about pushing your boundaries and trying something new, like a new author, series, subgenre, debut from an author etc. To complete the challenge you need to read 12 books minimum.
- Newbery Reading Challenge. Challenge yourself to read more Newbery and Caldecott Award Winning books.
- Old School Kidlit Reading Challenge 2017. Read and review more children’s books of the past. In general, a book will be considered “old school” if it was published in the decade of your birth or before. Each month, the challenge will focus on a different category. Choose a book that fits the category, read it, and then post a review
- Oldie But A Goodie. To read books that were published before 2008. This challenge is to be centered around historical romance.
- Operation Deepen Faith. Read the Bible and / or read some Christian Non-Fiction books.
- Out of this World. Read more romance that has sci fi elements.
- Outdo Yourself. Set your intention to read more books in 2017 than you did in 2016.
- Outlander Series Reading Challenge. Read through the Outlander Series and the shorts.
- 2017 Pages of Starlight Speculative Fiction Reading Challenge.
- Pages Read 2017. How many pages can you read this year? Pick a goal / level and get to reading.
- Paranormal Reading Challenge. Join us and read paranormal books. This means the book has supernatural beings or elements but is set in our world, e.g. vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, ghosts, witches, wizards, psychic powers, magic, fairies, mermaids, angels, gods, etc.
- Parenting Reading Challenge. This challenge is about reading parenting and homemaking books to help us improve our parenting skills and our home life.
- Pick Your Genre. This challenge is about diving into specific genres/sub genres you love or just want to check out in 2017.
- Pick Your Poison Reading Challenge 2017. In this you get to create your own challenge by deciding what genres you want to read.
- Picture Book Reading Challenge. To have adults read more picture books. There’s even a Bingo Card to read through as one of the options.
- Poetry Reading Challenge. If you want to challenge yourself this year, feel free to try a new form of poetry — Sonnets, Haiku, Pastoral, Limerick, Elegy, Tanka, Ghazal, Epic, and others.
- POC Reading Challenge. The goal is to encourage readers to have a more diverse reading experience and to support diversity in the publishing industry by reading and reviewing books by or about persons of color.
- 2017 Popsugar Ultimate Reading Challenge. Read a book from each of the categories on the list.
- The Purrfect Reading Challenge. Read mysteries that have cats as main characters.
- Read All the ALA YA Award Books of the Year. Read the 8 – 11 books from the annual awards which take place in January 2017.
- Read it Again, Sam Sign-ups. Re-read your favorite books.
- Read My Own Damn Books. Define your own damn goals or don’t. Vow not to buy books, or whatever. Just #ReadYourOwnDamnBooks some of the time.
- Read the Books you Buy Reading Challenge 2017. Choose from one of the percentages, and go forth and read … the books you buy in 2017. Do not leave them sitting idly on the shelves 🙂
- Read Your Bookshelf Challenge. Pick 12 books from your shelves and read 1 a month.
- Reading Assignment Challenge. Commit to reading 1, 2, 3 or 4 books a month and make a list of the specific books you will read each month.
- Reporter Challenge. Read books that fulfill the various categories under the reporter’s standard questions – Who, What, Where, When and How.
- Retellings Reading Challenge 2017. Read retellings of stories we know well, e.g. Classics & Children’s Classics, Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends, Folk Tales.
- Review Writing Challenge. Set a goal of how many reviews you want to write in 2017. Post them on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes & Noble or your own blog.
- #RockMyTBR 2017 Reading Challenge. Read a minimum of 1 book per month that is currently published (no arcs with future dates)
- Russian Literature Reading Challenge. Join the host in reading books written by Russian authors.
- Share-a-Tea reading challenge. Love drinking tea? Love reading books? Love reading a book while drinking tea? Then this is the reading challenge for you.
- Shelf LoveTo grow your TBR pile responsibly and read the books you already own. You have ‘em, now read ‘em!
- Single Ladies Reading Challenge. Complete 12 books, one from each theme.
- Spooks, Howls and Fangs. This is a reading challenge for those fun and sexy paranormal reads.
- Steampunk Reading Challenge. Read books with with Steampunk elements in it – so they can be from any genre.
- Strictly Print Reading Challenge. Join in this challenge to whittle down your reading list one book at a time.
TBR (To Be Read) Challenge. Pull out long neglected books from your “to be read” list, following the theme of the month – and read.
- Victorian Reading Challenge. Read a minimum of four books form the Victorian era.
- Vintage Mystery Cover Scavenger Hunt
- What An Animal Reading Challenge. Read books that feature animals.
- What’s In A Name Challenge. Choose a book to read from each of several categories.
- What Would Jane Do Reading Challenge. This is the challenge for all the lovers of Jane Austen’s literature or people who have always wanted to experience her works.
- Wild Goose Chase Reading Challenge 2017. This is a category-based challenge and is designed to be fun, frivolous and filled with feathers.
- Witches & Witchcraft Reading Challenge. Any full length book that includes a witch as a main character or includes major witchcraft elements counts. They may be fiction or non-fiction.
- Witchy Fiction Reading Challenge. This challenge will focus on fantasy and paranormal fiction that includes witches and other magical beings.
- You Read How Many Books? Reading Challenge. You’ll have all year to read your books so go ahead and stretch yourself. Level 1 starts at 100 books.
- Young Adult (YA) Reading Challenge. Read Young Adult books – no set reading levels – so read as many or as little as you like.
Finally sign up at Reading Challenge Addicts if you’re participating in multiple challenges!
If you have any to add – please leave a comment to let us know, and we’ll add it to the list.
Sophia Rose
Amazing list! I see a sci-fi challenge calling my name.
Thanks so much for including the Books N Tunes, Literary Pickers, and Writing Reviews Challenges.
I just posted about my annual challenge if you’d like to include it:
Tanya Patrice
@Melissa thanks for letting us know. I’ve updated the post with the challenge
Jamie @ Books and Ladders
Thanks so much for including my reading challenge! 🙂
Tanya Patrice
@Jamie thanks for hosting a reading challenge!
Katie @ Read-at-Home Mom
I’d love it if you’d add my Old School Kidlit Reading Challenge to the list:
Tanya Patrice
@Katie thanks for letting us know about it and it looks like an awesome challenge. It will be added by the weekend.
Thanks for this list. I found several that I’m going to join in on. I would greatly appreciate it if you would add my Diversity Reading Challenge to the list.
Jo @ Booklover Book Reviews
What a fantastic list Tanya/Kimberley!
Aussie Author Challenge 2017 homepage is now live.
Chelley Toy
Thanks so much for linking up to the British Books Challenge x
Tina Culbertson
Wow, that’s quite a comprehensive list! I’m happy to look through it but I need to control myself and not sign up for too many.
Zeee @ I Heart Romance & YA
Eep awesome list! I love challenges! ❤
I’m also hosting a year-long Historical Romance Reading Challenge and sign-ups are open here:
Tanya Patrice
@Zeee – Added and thanks for telling us about it!
Wish I could participate in them all.
If you are interested, we are reading through the 100 books picked by the computer algorithm in The Bestseller Code as the best of the bestsellers
Gilion at Rose City Reader
Thanks for sharing my European Reading Challenge! And for putting together this list. This is terrific. I’m going to go share it all over the place!
Kendra @ Making Sense of the Stars
Thanks for sharing my challenge, #classichorror2017!
Claudia {Sparrowhawk}
Thanks so much for putting this together Kimberly and Tanya! And for sharing the Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge 🙂 I’m putting my 2017 Reading Challenge goals together so I’ll be back to sign-up for the Monthly Motif for sure! It’s one of my absolute favorites!
Thanks so much for sharing my challenge!
For someone like myself, a self-professed book challenge junkie, this is awesome! I host a book challenge as well:
Kimberly Lynne
Awesome! Thanks Erin.