The Master List of 2020 Reading Challenges

The master list of reading challenges below is a compilation of yearly challenges designed to level up your reading year. And if you’re participating in reading challenges, then check out our FREE 2020 Reading Challenges Tracker spreadsheet. One spreadsheet to track ALL your reading challenges.
The Master List of 2020 Reading Challenges
* NEWLY ADDED * Updated 1/12/2020
♦ NEW ♦ + 12 Tropes of 2020. A bingo card with 11 reading “tropes” plus a free choice category.
+ 20 for 2020 Reading Challenge. Download the free printable PDF checklist, and read your way through these 20 reading prompts. Share along the way on social media using the hashtag #20for2020reads
+ The 20 in 20 Challenge. #Read20in2020. The challenge is to read 10 fiction and 10 non fiction books that fit a category.
+ 20 LGBTQ+ Books in 2020. The main goal is to read books that feature LGBTQ+ characters and stories. There is also a book bingo to go along with the challenge.
+ The 2020 Reading Challenge. There are different levels, and different categories in each level. There are a lot of options but this reading challenge will also help challenge you to come out of your comfort zone. Get reading!
+ 52 Books in 52 Weeks. The goal is to read 52 books from the 52 different categories provided – find a book that meets the criteria and check it off!
+ Read 52 Books in 52 Weeks. The goal is to read 52 books this year. How you get there is up to you, but there are a variety of challenges including a new 52 Books Bingo as well as A to Z, Chunky, Dusty and Feed Your Muse to assist us in our reading adventures.
♦ NEW ♦ + 1000 Books Project: Non-Fiction 2020. The project consists of a year long schedule of quarterly read-alongs, this year focusing on non-fiction from James Mustich’s amazing 1000 Books to Read Before You Die: A Life Changing List.
+ A to Z Reading Challenge. Read at least one book whose title begins with each letter of the alphabet. Along the way, we’ll have quarterly read-a-thons and mini challenges that you can use to replace any of the more difficult letters. If that isn’t enough, try out our Monopoly-style game for book lovers!
+ Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge. Fill your bowls with one book for each letter of the Alphabet.
+ Alphabet Soup – Author Edition Reading Challenge. The challenge is to read one book that has an author whose first name or last name starts with every letter of the alphabet.
♦ NEW ♦ + Year of the Asian Reading Challenge. The aim of this challenge is to read as many books written by Asian authors as you can!
+ The Audiobook Challenge. The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to more audios this year.
+ Aussie Author Challenge. Your challenge is to read and review books written by Australian authors. Choose from three different levels: Wallaby, Wallaroo, or Kangaroo.
+ Aussies Rule Challenge. Read at least one book for each prompt.
+ The Australian Women Writers Challenge. The AWW challenge was set up to help overcome gender bias in the reviewing of books by Australian women. The challenge encourages avid readers and book bloggers, male and female, living in or outside Australia, to read and review books by Australian women throughout the year.
+ Author and Cultural Diversity Reading Challenge. Monthly reading prompts that will challenge you to explore reading more diversely.
+ Backlist Reader Challenge. Read books that have been published before 2018 AND are already on your TBR list or pile.
+ Bad Boys of Romance Reading Challenge. Read books that feature a bad boy hero: Rock stars, MC members, street fighters, assassins, mafia, loners, geeks, etc. Only romance series are accepted.
+ Beat the Backlist. This challenge is focused on knocking off titles that have been on your TBR for a while, or even ones that get pushed aside for new releases.
+ Book Bingo 2020. This year’s bingo card has a calendar theme.
+ Book Award Reading Challenge. Read one award winning book each month. This challenge is hosted here at GXO!
+ The 2020 Book Bingo Reading Challenge. Choose your bingo journey + commit to a quarterly check-in. Go for the full house, which means you commit to reading 25 books in 2020, or choose a few rows and commit to finishing those during the year.
+ Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge. There are 24 tasks that will invite new genres, new authors, and new worlds, both real and imaginary, into your reading life.
+ Book to Movie Challenge. Read books being made into movies or tv series. Choose from the list on the site or add you’re own if it’s not there yet.
+ Books ‘N’ Tunes. This challenge is just a fun way to match music to books and share what you have with other readers.
♦ NEW ♦ + Books and Tea Reading Challenge. There are 12 prompts which can be done in any order and more than one a month too – and a book count for more than one prompt.
♦ NEW ♦ + Book Jar/Book List Challenge. Create a list of books you want to read, and randomize how you read them by randomly selecting your reads via a monthly drawing.
+ Bookish Resolutions Challenge. This challenge is about setting New Year’s Resolutions for books, book blogging and writing.
♦ NEW ♦ + Booklist Queen’s 2020 Reading Challenge. Read a book a week in 2020. This 2020 Reading Challenge has 52 different categories to expand your reading selection.
+ British Crime Classics Challenge. Read stories that were written in the late 1800s to mid-1900s, and, as a participant of this challenge, you are expected to make at least two posts per month.
+ Calendar of Crime. Read 12 mystery books, each from of the categories in the month on the Calendar of Crime.
+ Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge. Read any book that is from the mystery, suspense, thriller, or crime genre.
+ Color Coded. Choose books where the color may either be named in the title or it may appear as the dominant color for the cover.
+ Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge. The goal is to read as many contemporary romance books as you’d like – pick from the different levels listed #ContRom2020
+ Craving For Cozies. Read cozy mystery books
+ Creativity Reading Challenge. This challenge is about reading books on creativity, art, crafts, writing, film making, photography and any other topic that helps you live a more creative life.
+ Cruisin’ Thru The Cozies. Read only cozy mysteries of your choice or read through the different sub-genres of cozy mysteries .
♦ NEW ♦ + Deal Me In Challenge. Read 52 short stories in 2020 … BUT for the stories you plan to read, assign each one to a playing card in a standard deck of cards., and then each week you draw a card at random from your deck and that is the story you will read.
+ Diversity Reading Challenge. Read as many diverse books as you can, and also complete a read for the monthly theme.
+ Dystopia Reading Challenge. Read and review dystopian books.
+ Epistolary Reading Challenge. The challenge is to read books written in the form of letters, diaries, blogs, e-mails and such, either completely or partially written this way.
+ European Reading Challenge. Tour Europe through books. The idea is to read books by European authors or books set in European countries (no matter where the author comes from).
+ Finishing the Series. This challenge is focused on finally finishing those series that you’ve started but not yet completed.
+ Georgian Reading Challenge. Read a minimum of 4 books set in the Georgian Era.
+ Go Big or Go Home. The main goal of this reading challenge is to read 1 big book per month so 12 this year. But of course you can set your own goal. And there’s a reading BINGO too in case you want an extra challenge.
+ Historical Fiction Reading Challenge. Read historical fiction books from sub-genres like 20th Century, Victorian Reader, Renaissance Reader, Medieval, Ancient History and Prehistoric fiction.
+ History Nonfiction Reading Challenge. Read nonfiction history books of your choice and post your reviews to the challenge hosts’ page every month.
+ Humor Reading Challenge. Read books that you consider funny or humorous.
+ Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge. Your task is to read at least one book each month whose title includes one or more of the keywords for that month. This challenge is hosted here at Girlxoxo!
+ Lets Read Indie Reading Challenge. Read as many Indie authors as you’d like, i.e. books by self-published authors or published by small indie publishers.
+ Library Love. The goal is to read at least 12 books from the library.
+ Literary Escapes Challenge. Try to read 1 book set in each of the 50 states + the District of Columbia.
+ Literary Pickers Reading Challenge. How keen of an observer are you? This challenge is just a fun way to see if you can find a list of items as you read no matter what romance style you pick up.
+ Memoir Reading Challenge. Read a minimum of five memoirs from any of the categories listed. One book can only count for one category.
+ Medical Examiner’s Mystery Reading Challenge. You are the Medical Examiner, and your goal is to issue as many Toe Tags as you can during 2020, by reading murder mysteries and determining the cause of death of the unfortunate victim(s).
+ Mental Health Reading Challenge. Read any book related to mental health – fiction or non-fiction.
+ Middle Grade Reading Challenge. Read a minimum of 6 MG books. Read any books you like, or focus on one author, or select a category from the checklist provided.
+ Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge. Choose between different checklists: Reading for Growth and Reading for Fun.
+ Monthly Motif. Read a book that corresponds to a different theme or motif each month. This challenge is hosted here at Girlxoxo!
+ Mount TBR. Knock out some of those books you OWN that have been waiting in the wings for weeks … months … even years.
+ Murder Mystery Bingo Reading Challenge. Complete BINGO on four cards. BINGO consists of five in a row, horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.
+ The NJM Book Challenge. There are 25 items to tick off by year’s end, and with some books likely to satisfy more than one category, it shouldn’t be too difficult for most readers to accomplish.
♦ NEW ♦ + Nature | Environment Reading Challenge. Read one or more books that have a nature, climate or environment theme – fiction or non-fiction.
+ Newbery Reading Challenge. Challenge yourself to read more Newbery and Caldecott Award Winning books.
+ Nonfiction Reader Challenge. Select, read and review a book from the 12 categories during the year for a total of up to 12 books.
+ Out of Your Comfort Zone. The aim of this challenge is to read books that you consider to be outside of your comfort zone. Make your list and dive into genres you don’t reach for as often, but want to try out more frequently.
+ The Phantom of the Opera Reading & Viewing Challenge. Read any book, movie or play based on Gaston Leroux’s Phantom of the Opera, or an obvious sequel or prequel to the story. Of course – there are levels, so read just one version for The Gaston Leroux Level; and read more versions to level up.
♦ NEW ♦ + Pick Your Poison. Check out the printable – 13 topics with 4 categories in each – so “Pick Your Poison”! It could be anywhere from a Baker’s Dozen – 1 category from any of the 13 topics … all the way up to a Freaky Reader – complete all the topics.
+ Picture Book Reading Challenge. Read 6 picture books of your choice, or select from the checklist of categories provided.
+ Poetry reading Challenge. There are 3 ways to tackle this challenge. Read a poem-a-day for a week once per month and write about which poems were your favorite and why. AND/OR Read at least 1 book of poetry (doesn’t have to be cover-to-cover) and write about your favorite poems and what you learned about yourself while reading those poems. AND/OR, if you want to go all out, feel free to read as many books of poetry as you can in one year.
♦ NEW ♦ + Polywogg’s Reading Challenge. A monthly themed style reading challenge.
+ Popsugar Reading Challenge. Read books that meet 40 random fun and interesting prompts. For an extra challenge read books that meet the 10 advanced prompts.
+ The Purrfect Reading Challenge. Read mysteries that have cats as main characters.
+ Read Around the World. Read your way around each of the 7 continents.
♦ NEW ♦ + Read Around the World 2020. Every month a different country. Check out the list for the year, and join us.
♦ NEW ♦ + Read Your Bookshelves. Pick out at least 12 books from your bookshelves that you’ve been wanting to read, then read at least 1 book a month.
♦ NEW ♦ + Reading Outside My Comfort Zone. Choose to read at least one book each month from the theme listed and check in on social media with #ReadingOutsideMyComfortZone
+ Reading Classic Books. Read books published 1960 or earlier, for the 12 challenge prompts listed.
♦ NEW ♦ + Reading With Muffy. This is a monthly reading challenge with themes for each month. Check with the host for the printable, and let’s have fun reading together.
+ Reading Women Challenge. The goal is to complete as many challenges as you can from the list provided. All the books must be written by women.
+ Retellings Reading Challenge. Check out the Retellings Bingo and choose books to read based on the category.
♦ NEW ♦ + Romanceopoly Challenge. Download the “Romanceopoly” board and let the fun begin. Each neighbourhood in Romanceopolis offers up a new genre to explore and each street has a unique challenge within that genre. You can start at “Go” and explore one street at a time or you can roll the dice and select a book for the spot you land on.
+ Rory Gilmore Reading Challenge. Rory Gilmore was seen reading 339 books on screen. How many have you read?
♦ NEW ♦ + Series Enders. Let’s knock out those pesky last books in a series.
+ Series That Never Ends Reading Challenge. Read books from those long series everyone raves about, but you’ve fallen behind on.
+ Series to Finish. Read ANY book that is part of a series, but every month, you will be collecting points – the challenge is to get as many points as you can … and there are several ways to collect.
♦ NEW ♦ + Shakespeare Reading Challenge. Read the complete works throughout the year, or just drop in for your favorite plays or poems.
+ Six Shooter Mystery Reading Challenge. Shoot (read) six mysteries by the same target (author). You get one notch on your gun (and a prize) for each target completed.
♦ NEW ♦ + Slay That TBR. Read books or the 24 prompts for this challenge, and slay that TBR #TBRChallenge2020
+ Social Justice Nonfiction Reading Challenge. Read nonfiction books involving social justice issues and post your reviews to the challenge hosts’ page every month.
♦ NEW ♦ + South Asian Reading Challenge. Read South-Asian books. You can read according to our monthly themes, or set your own pace and schedule.
+ Spacetime Reading Challenge. Choose your book(s), from any part of the science fiction genre universe – read and write about it somewhere but check in quarterly. #spacetimereads
♦ NEW ♦ + Spanish Language Reading Challenge. Read books from the 20 Spanish speaking countries – and go even further by learning more about the cuisine and culture of the countries you read.
+ #StartOnYourShelfaThon. Read books that they already own (whether it’s a physical or electronic bookshelf)! Set goals for yourself and read, read, read! Every time you read a book and every time you achieve a goal for yourself, you will get to collect a ‘star’.
♦ NEW ♦ + Sweet Southern Reading Challenge. The overall goal of the reading challenge is to read written works of fiction primarily set in the southern United States (aka the American South or the South).
+ Swords & Stars Reading Challenge. Let’s celebrate celebrate the Science Fiction and Fantasy genres. Read at least one book that matches up with each one of the challenges.
+ TBR (To Be Read) Challenge. Pull out long neglected books from your “to be read” list, following the theme of the month – and read. Share with #TBRChallenge
♦ NEW ♦ + TBR Challenge Stacked Reading. Pick a book to read from the 20 categories. Let’s see how many you can finish – and whittle away at your TBR stack!
+ Tackle My TBR Reading Challenge. The goal is to read at least ONE book from your TBR every month. It can be an ARC, ebook, audiobook or print – your choice. Any reading is good reading!
+ Turtle Recall – A Journey Through Discworld // 2020. Read books set in Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.
♦ NEW ♦ + The Uncorked Reading Challenge. There are 12 categories, one for each month, with books to inspire travel and diverse, international reads.
+ Victorian Reading Challenge. Read a minimum of four books form the Victorian era.
+ Vintage Mystery Extravaganza. Challengers must read five books in a chosen era (Golden or Silver) related in some way to five different categories from the combined lists.
+ VIRTUAL Mount TBR Reading Challenge (sister site to Mount TBR) for all those folks with mile-long “wish-list” of TBRs who would like a chance to climb as well.
+ What An Animal Reading Challenge. Read books where animals play a major role in the book or if a main character is (or turns into) an animal.
+ What’s in a Name Reading Challenge. Read a book for each of the 6 categories listed.
+ When Are You Reading Challenge. The complete challenge will include 12 books from different eras / time periods listed on the host’s site.
+ While I Was Reading Challenge. There are 12 categories – read a book from each.
♦ NEW ♦ + Worlds Without End Roll Your Own Reading Challenges. The RYO is actually a whole group of unique speculative fiction reading challenges created by WWEnd members that you can pick from … 30+ challenges and counting!
♦ NEW ♦ + The Word of the Nerd Reading Challenge. The #WotNReadingChallenge is a 12-book prompt-based challenge with a prompt for each month – but you do not have to read the prompts in order. Check in on social media.
♦ NEW ♦ + Xerpherus Reads Reading Challenge. There are 50 categories to choose a book from for this reading challenge. But you can also add books not in the list. How many can you complete?!
♦ NEW ♦ + Young Adult (YA) Reading Challenge. Let’s connect with our love of Young adult or new adult books – how many will you read this year?! #2020YARC
Tina Woodbury
Fantastic master list! I love a good reading challenge!
I would really appreciate it if you could include my reading challenge –
Gilion C Dumas
Hi Tanya! I got my post up for the 2020 European Reading Challenge on Rose City Reader. Participants choose their own level & tour Europe through books. And there is a prize!
Thank you for always posting about the tour in the past. I hope it is as much fun this year. I’m going to try some new stuff, including more crossover with Instagram for bookstagrammers.
Hi Tanya,
I’m hosting the Reading Classic Books Challenge staring January 2020. It’s a year long Challenge with 12 prompts. I would love it if you could add it to the list of 2020 challenges.
Reading Classic Books Challenge
Tina @ As Told By Tina
Hi! Thank you for posting Lets Read Indie!
I’m also hosting:
Kindle Unlimited Reading Challenge –
Print Only –
For The Love Of Ebooks –
Thank you!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I’m not creating a list this year, so I’m just going to send the ones I find your way and point people in your direction. Here’s one I ran across that you don’t have:
Tanya Patrice
@Nicole – I loved your list – sorry it’s not coming back. And thanks for the heads up on mew challenges!
Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous
Thanks for compiling all of these! I’m hosting a Phantom of the Opera reading and viewing challenge for 2020.
Jo @ Booklover Book Reviews
Hi Tanya
The new Aussie Author Reading Challenge 2020 homepage has just gone live:
Thank you for curating this fantastic resource for book lovers.
Hello! I am doing the Swords & Stars Reading Challenge in 2020. Landing page is at Your page is always a fantastic resource for me every year as I decide what challenges to do! Thank you for doing this!
Do you happen to know anyone out there doing a FanFic Reading Challenge for 2020? I have signed up for a few on this site but really would like to find a fanfic one if possible.
Also thank you for all your hard work putting this list together!
Tanya Patrice
I don’t Sara but I’ll keep a look out.
Thanks for making this list and for including What’s in a Name!
Austine @ NovelKnight
Hello! Beat the Backlist will be returning for 2020! This is a challenge dedicated to reading backlist books with an optional team element to motivate readers throughout the year! I would greatly appreciate it if you added it to your master list.
Can’t wait to check out all the other challenges, and thank you!!
Jemima Pett
Thanks for including the #spacetimereads SpaceTime Reading Challenge, Tanya!
Sydney Beth King
Oh I like all of these..need time yo decide which challenge
Lenore Kosinski
We’re once again hosting the Finishing the Series challenge and the Diversity Reading Challenge next year, if you want to add them to your master list! 🙂
Hi Tanya,
I host the British Crime Classics Challenge. Could you please add it to your list?
Here’s the link:
Thank you.
Tanya Patrice
@Rekha – added!
Thanks so much for all the hard work you do collecting these!
Helen Murdoch
Thank you (again) for putting this list together. It seems overwhelming to think about this since I am not ready for 2019 to end yet. But, this list always makes me excited for a new year of reading.
Tanya Patrice
@Helen I know what you mean!
Kimberly Lynne
@helenmurdoch I feel the exact same way! I always start to get really excited when Tanya gets this list up.
Monika @ Lovely Bookshelf
So many great reading challenges! Thanks for compiling these.
Megan | Ginger Mom & Company
Once again, thank you for adding our AtoZ Reading Challenge to your master list 🙂 I’m excited to check out some of the others you mention!