The State of Our 2017 Reading Lists This Year {So Far}

We’re keeping track of the books that we’ve mentioned here on GXO, that we’d like to read this year, and trying to give them first priority. But we’re also mood readers – so we have a few outstanding – and we’re posting about it so we can get our butts in gear. Or strike them off the list.

Tanya – There’s only 3 that are still lingering almost 3 months into a new year and I’m pretty pleased about that.

Reading Challenge Update

Kim – So far I’ve been giving in to my mood at the moment more than I’ve been keeping an eye on my reading lists.

Reading Challenge Update

  • So far, the only challenge I’ve been keeping my eye on as been our 2017 Monthly Motif which has monthly reading themes – 3/3. I’ve been having fun with this one this year.
  • I had high hopes of participating in other challenges and I’m sure I’ve read some books that fit the parameters of the challenges I thought I would do- but I haven’t been keeping up with my spreadsheet at all.
  • This year is definitely a mood year and so far my reading has been a bit slow as I’ve been busy writing my final portfolio for graduating from my Master’s program. I expect every aspect of my reading to pick up big time once I’m finished with school!

    How is your reading going this year? Did you set any reading goals?

