This is How I Plan {For School}

My planning system for grad school is super simple. I use my bullet journal to track major due dates and map out assignments that require several steps to finish. Here’s how my system works…Each month I draw out a color coded calendar. You can use a regular planner for this if you don’t have time to draw your own. I do my own because it’s a creative hobby for me.
At the top of the calendar each course is given a color and then I write major due dates on the calendar with the corresponding color dot next to it. I circle the days I plan to go to the library for study sessions.
Tips for Procrastinators Like Me:
- Put your assignment down as due 3-4 days before it’s actually due. For some reason this really helps me even though I technically know I have a few extra days to work on it. Jedi mind tricks or something. Plus, if I get sick or something comes up then those extra days come in handy.)
- Actually schedule your study time into your week and then tell people you will be unavailable during those times. I let my husband know at the beginning of the week which nights I’ll be headed to the library. This really helps me to work hard during those study times because I know I’m only getting a 2-3 each week.
On the page opposite my due date calendar I break it down into study days. I write the date I plan to study on the left side of the page and then next to it I’ll write what I hope to accomplish during that study session. This is how I break down bigger assignment into little steps.
I’ve color coded the work as well so I can remember what class it’s for. I only map this page out a week in advance so that it’s not totally screwed up if I manage to work ahead a little bit or if I fall behind.
And that’s it! Simple and easy for me to keep up with.
What system do you use to track weekly tasks or school work?
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