This Years Memory Keeping Plan {Join Me?}

I’ve finally ironed out my plan for memory keeping this year. I’ll be working on a yearly album as well as a few smaller, seasonal memory keeping events. I’d love for you to pick one (or all) and join in with me…

Year In Review Album

I’ve been doing Year in Review Albums using the Project Life format since 2012. I finish them up at the end of each year and have them printed in January of the following year. I design my Project Life albums in Photoshop Elements and then print 10×10 books through Mixbooks. I have really loved the 10×10 format and find them to be the perfect size. A Year in Review album doesn’t have to be a lot of work. Mixbooks will take your photos and insert them into a predesigned book for you. Just make any adjustments you want and then order!

Day in the Life

I’ll be participating in Day in the Life project hosted by Ali Edwards. You can click over to her website to see a video about this project. So far, I’m planning on doing this twice- once in the winter and once again this coming summer. I’ll be printing my photos and adding them to an album just as Ali does with hers.

Week in the Life

Week in the Life is the same as Day in the Life, only on a bigger scale. It’s a bit of a commitment but I’m excited to do it. If you want to do either Day in the Life or Week in the Life, remember…. you don’t have to make an album! Keep a record in a spiral notebook! It really doesn’t have to be fancy. The key is to keep these memories in some form and a spiral notebook works just as well.

December Daily

Again, check out Ali’s website for a video on December Daily. I’ve never participated in this event but I’m excited to do it this year. Basically you take one picture/record one story for every day of December and put them all together in a mini-album. I think it will be fun to capture the magic of the holidays (especially with little kids).

I had originally decided on a few other small memory keeping projects but decided I’d better not bite off more than I could chew. I’m excited to do these four events and I invite you to try one of them if you like. Remember, keeping your memories doesn’t have to be fancy- just keep them!

How do you like to record special events and memories?