Undercover Thriller {Monthly Motif Feb. Check In}

Okay! It looks like everyone is off to a great start with the challenge this year. We loved starting off with diverse books in January. Thanks to everyone who added their link to the linky. We enjoyed checking out your reviews. Now- on to February…

Undercover Thriller

“Read a book involving spies, detectives, private investigators, or a character in disguise.”

This is such a fun one that can be taken in so many different directions!

We’d love to suggest 4 Chillingly Snowbound Thrillers as we’re betting many of you are dealing with some serious snow just like we are!

You might also like to check out our suggestions for Crazy Good Marriage Thrillers!

8 Marriage Thrillers to Read

If you like a serious what-just-happened thrillers, try these Books With Gasp Inducing Plot Lines.

We’d also like to point out our favorite Thrillers By Female Authors You Won’t Be Able to Put Down.

Have fun!

Please note!

After many technical issues with our linkies, we have done away with using them for now. Please add your review links in the comments section. We apologize for the inconvenience.

