Winter ABCs [The 2021 Edition]
![Winter ABCs [The 2021 Edition]](
Inspired by Rhyme & Ribbons ABCs of Winter, I shared my Winter ABC’s in 2019 and 2020. I didn’t want to miss it for 2021, so here’s just some of what I was feeling this past Winter before ushering in Spring.

Winter ABCs 2021
+ (A)ppreciated – EVERYTHING I have and all the people in my life sooo much! My family and I are truly blessed in so many ways and I STAY thankful!
+ (B)ook’d Out January and March is when Kim and I share our favorite books – and what we’ve read (yup – we missed February). Some of my favorite books so far have been The Gilded Ones, Amina Forna and Troubled Blood (Cormoran Strike #5), Robert Galbraith.
+ (C)hristmas is my favorite time of year (see This is How We Do Christmas). This year our oldest son was still in the Navy and couldn’t get away, so it was just my husband and I + our youngest son. We video called our oldest Christmas morning and opened presents – it was actually a really good time.

+ (D)onated to United Negro College Fund this past Winter. I’ve taken to giving a small donation to various charities more regularly since the pandemic started.
+ (E)scaped From my first Escape Room experience in March. It was so much fun!
+ (F)avorites for February and March where I share what I’ve been loving lately.

+ (G)ained so much fitness from cycling, which I’ve been doing (indoors) all Winter.
+ (H)ated the mass shootings and anti-Asian attacks that happened this Winter in the US.
+ (I) lost 15lbs this Winter – 5lbs each month was my goal and that’s what I did – primarily by exercising more and eating less.
+ (J)oined Zwift in January which has been my go to for cycling and now running indoors.

+ (K)ept consistent with my exercise because I found something I loved to do, found a group of people that are also obsessed an I let it be my * must do * everyday no matter what – which meant house chores / cooking / cleaning and probably other things didn’t get done – and I’m OK with that.
+ (L)earned how to use Pivot Tables in Excel – for work. I had completely forgotten how and needed to start using them again … I also learned when to change gears while cycling.
+ (M)ajor purchase for this season was the Wahoo Kickr Snap Bike Trainer (totally worth it).
+ (N)ext Winter I really want to spend some of it somewhere warm. I have always wanted to run the Bermuda Triangle Challenge but haven’t been able to run a half marathon … will next year be the year? I hope so.
+ (O)rganized and ready for 2021 – All the Ways I’m Organizing Stuff in 2021 – Planners, Trackers and Apps.
+ (P)lanned a trip to Florida (Orlando) for end of March (it was fantastic).
+ (Q)uote …
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
– Nelson Mandela –
+ (R)ead 19 books!

+ (S)hared A Day in the Life – March Edition which is typical for how my Saturdays were in the Winter.
+ (T)V Favorites included I Care a Lot – I mean – that show made me so mad!! But it’s so memorable.
+ (U)sed Netgalley a lot more than I have in the past, and therefore have read a lot more new books than I would have at this time of year. It also means I’m reading more eBooks and I love it because it’s so easy to use at night for a little bedtime reading.
+ (V)accinated with the 1st dose of the Moderna COVID vaccine. A sore arm was the only side effect so far (for comparison my arm is even more sore after the Flu vaccine).

+ (W)orking from Home continued and will be going on for the foreseeable future. I had ah hour long commute so I don’t mind!
+ e(X)perienced some challenges with my youngest, teenage son. Lawdamercy!
+ (Y)OLO for the Winter – braids with blond color on the end. I feel like now is the time to try things I might not have normally because “corporate America” life.
+ Co(Z)ied Up With Electric blankets! Why was I not in on this before, but it’s like once you go underneath one, be prepared to not want to move for hours.
What was your favorite thing about Winter?
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