Workspace Wednesday [My 2022 Desk Setup]

Kim here. Last week Tanya showed us all the ways she’s organizing stuff in 2022. I’ve applied several of her ideas to my own organizational system in hopes of staying on top of things this year. She talked a bit about staying ahead of things and this is something that I recognize I need to work harder on this year in order to save my own sanity. To add to this discussion I thought I’d show you around my workspace today because organizing this space has helped me to organize several other aspects of my life as well!

My little workspace is tucked into a corner of our basement. We finished our basement a couple of years ago and I immediately bought the Alex Desk from IKEA to fill this empty corner. It may sound strange but one of the things I miss most about working outside the home is having my own personal desk space. 

So let me just give you a quick tour….

Around the Desk

  • Small but cute garbage can tucked under the desk.
  • A power cord for the many things I have plugged in. The power cord is supposed to go in the little cubby at the back of the desk but I never put it there because I then have to move it whenever I use my desk top as my #bookstagram photo staging area. 
  • A space heater because this basement gets chilly! 
  • You can see a bunch of picture frames and poster boards on the side of the desk. I use the poster boards for taking #bookstagram photos and the art I inherited from my grandmother but haven’t decided where to hang it just yet. 
  • My chair is a sad folding chair which I’ve covered in a Minky couture blanket to make it cozier. I plan to buy a decent desk chair as soon as I can decide on one. 

Desktop Essentials

From left to right…

  • Circadian Optics Light Therapy Lamp – I struggle with my mental health terribly in the winter so I purchased this lamp a couple of years ago. It does seem to help me feel better on those really dark days. It also does double duty and serves as extra lighting for my #bookstagram photos. 
  • Candles – My favorite are DW Home Fragrance Candles and I use them because, of course, they smell good but also as props for #bookstagram photos. 
  • Fairy Lights – I use these twinkle lights in, you guessed it, #bookstagram photos! I use them quite a bit so I keep them in this basket right here on the desk. 
  • JBL Flip 5 Portable Bluetooth Speaker – I always listen to music while I’m working and this is my favorite speaker. We have four or five different JBL bluetooth speakers through the house and love them. My white one is a bit dirty because I took it outside to listen while I worked in the garden. Oops!
  • TBR in Owl Bookends – I keep any library books I’ve got checked out right here on the desk along with any other books I’m picking from right then. This TBR stack gets switched out at least once a month. I love my owl bookends and have had them for years. I honestly can’t remember where I got them from. 
  • Coaster and Coffee – I’ve always got something to sip on while I work. Usually coffee but sometimes my favorite Tazo Lemon Loaf tea

In the Drawers

Many of my stationary supplies are kept in zipper cases so I can grab them quickly and throw them in my purse or backpack when I’m going to be working away from home. 

  • Cozy socks – Did I mention my basement gets chilly? I always keep a pair of fuzzy socks in my desk drawer for just this reason.
  • Washi tape – The black case holds washi tape which I use to divide sections of my planner. 
  • Midliner Highlighters – I use these constantly in my notebooks and planner.
  • Sacura Pigma Micron Pens – I also use these on basically everything. I have a black set that I love.
  • Notebooks – I keep my independent study notebooks in here as well as notebooks I use for brain dumps and other random lists. 
  • aHumforHope Woodland Booksleeve – This was a Christmas gift from my husband this year. I tucked it in here for now but I am starting to take it with me when I leave the house. 
  • Lighter – For lighting my many candles!


I’m pretty happy with my space here and it’s been nice to have a designated workspace that isn’t the kitchen table. My next plans for this space (aside from choosing a decent chair) are to decorate the wall behind the desk. I’m not sure exactly what I want to put on the wall yet so it may be blank for awhile longer!

Where do you blog or work from? What would you add to your space to make it more you?